About Us

We are a free selling and trading community. Our main aim is to bring buyers, sellers, and traders together globally and create a secure and successful buying, selling, and trading environment, while helping our members get rid of their unwanted items and enabling them to find goods or services, they need amongst each other. This platform was born out of the insight that many individuals today struggle deciding what to do with items they no longer have use for. We have found that, more often than not, these items are usually trashed or totally discarded, and you know what they say, "One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure." With that in mind, we recognized that there was indeed a place in today's economy for these individuals, and the place is here! However, the interaction and negotiations between buyers, sellers and swappers are the sole responsibility of the parties involved. Because of this, Sell Swap cannot provide refunds or assist with disputes. We recommend buyers/sellers or swappers meet in person and that transactions take place at a local public location like police station, mall, or gas station.
Sell easily:
Take a picture, enter a short description, and start selling or swapping to thousands of potential buyers within seconds. We use your phone's location to reach a multitude of suiters for your product or service. And making a monetary or swap offer is as quick and easy.
Swap safely:
Along with a rating system, users can feel confident they are dealing with a real person. At the same time, our messaging system keeps your contact info private. our Swap Spot Locator, which finds and suggests local public places and monitored areas to meet up and exchange items being sold or swapped.
Buy locally:
Search through endless of listed items or service and find a great deal near you as you scroll through our app. Find great sellers/swappers and make new connections with people in your local area who are selling or swapping something you want or need.
Our staff is fully committed to ensuring that every user in our community is catered to. In addition, our staff is constantly conversing amongst each other sharing new ideas and thoughts to accommodate you. We'd love to hear your ideas and thoughts too! We hope that you enjoy our platform and all the benefits it brings to you.